August 31, 2006

Are You Ready For Some Football?!

If you're like me and can't wait two more days for the most anticipated Irish football campaign in more than a decade, then you're in luck.

The intro for Saturday's Prime Time "ESPN on ABC" event surfaced on the web. Brent Musberger leads us out of the gate, revving the hype machine one last time before the players back up the expectations on the field.

Lingering questions since walking out of Rula Bula's January 3rd with a clean slate, fresh outlook and a minor buzz:

Will the Offense According to Weis v.2 ascend to comical levels of effeciency and production?

Can a RB switch to starting LB without ever playing a college defensive down and have an impact, preferably positive?

How much has the secondary learned from their past indiscretions of biting on ball fakes and miscommunication?

How much will the forgotten one, Rhema, blow up in the mastermind's grand scheme? McKnight and the Shark will be option 1 and 1A for Brady as he rewrites every school record imaginable.

What will supplant "Same Old Jesus" in the parking lot T-shirt sweepstakes? I'm talking to you enterprising freshmen. Dazzle us.

Will Brady and the rest of this cast of characters etch their place in Irish legendary status with a championship season?

Game On. Let's Go Irish!

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