March 24, 2009

Lane Kiffin: Meet the Defending National Champion Florida Gators

This blurb from an ESPN blog on the Florida players' response to Lane Kiffin should be bone-chilling if you are a Tennessee fan.

Several Florida players say that pictures of Kiffin are pasted throughout their locker room, and they're still fuming over what they say was a blatant show of disrespect for their coach.

"I couldn't believe what he said," Florida junior safety Ahmad Black said. "Not trying to be cocky or anything, but we've beaten them four years in a row ... by a lot, too. But taking shots at our coach is like taking shots at us. We're family. It's definitely personal now."

"That's OK, because they've got something coming," Pouncey said. "(Kiffin) went public with all his stuff, but we'll do all our talking on the field. That's when we'll have something to say about it."

Florida cornerback Joe Haden said when word started to spread about Kiffin accusing Meyer of cheating that Meyer and the players all started texting each other.

"I guess (Kiffin) was doing that for his team, but he could have done that behind closed doors," Haden said. "To put our coach out there like that for something he didn't do was crazy. Coach Meyer is one of the best coaches in college football, and he's like a father to a lot of the players on this team.

"When we heard about it, the players were sending Coach Meyer text messages telling him, 'We've got your back.' We've got a family bond here, and when somebody attacks somebody in your family like that, it's on then."

Black said Meyer made it clear that he didn't take anything Kiffin said lightly.

"Coach was texting us, and we were texting him back," Black said. "We're there with him all day long. He's our coach."

Ummm, Lane?? Any thoughts?? That beatdown in the Swamp is going to be epic.

1 comment:

  1. As a graduate of the University of Tennessee, I agree that Florida is light years ahead of us right now. However, if they are having to use those quotes for motivation, then the Gators are desperate for motivation. They've torched us the last two years. It'll happen this year, too. But we are on the rise.
